Wednesday, May 5, 2010

True Meaning of Life

Ever since I was young I have been the rescuer...the rescuer of the kids on the playground that were being bullied..the rescuer of the stray that I'm older that hasn't changed..I've always felt that as humans we should always protect those who cannot protect themselves. I try to teach these simple principles to my girls and have actually gotten my husband on board. Yesterday we went to the rescue of a tiny terrier mix who was due to be put down today. The dog was an animal my daughter was familiar with and when we found out that he was brought to the pound we felt the need to act. So in lieu of this, I would like to formally introduce the newest member of our family, Scooter.


He's been acclimating well and after removing the ticks and fleas he became friends with his new sisters, Zoey and Paris (although Paris still isn't too sure about him). His brother, Barney, doesn't like him yet, but Barney's old and cantankerous.


God Bless and be happy, healthy and strong ~ Kim

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gardening with all the free time I currently have on my hands I figured why not plant a with checkbook in hand I took a trip to the gardening section at Wal-mart and purchased 80 bucks worth of tools and plants. I worked all morning and after I was finished this is what emersed...a beautiful (but small) garden.

Now I just have to make sure I take care of it and be patient while waiting for my tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries and artichokes. I'll be adding lettuce, garlic and some additional tomato plants next week after I return from visiting my mom. I also planted some herbs in different containers...After my adventurous day of planting I was able to finish my bed pillow I've been working on for the past two weeks and I think it came out pretty adorable


...And I finally decided to start my test knit I am doing for Carol at Sunday Knits..Its kind of a complicated knit but I should be okay..

Until tomorrow!
