Monday, May 3, 2010

Gardening with all the free time I currently have on my hands I figured why not plant a with checkbook in hand I took a trip to the gardening section at Wal-mart and purchased 80 bucks worth of tools and plants. I worked all morning and after I was finished this is what emersed...a beautiful (but small) garden.

Now I just have to make sure I take care of it and be patient while waiting for my tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries and artichokes. I'll be adding lettuce, garlic and some additional tomato plants next week after I return from visiting my mom. I also planted some herbs in different containers...After my adventurous day of planting I was able to finish my bed pillow I've been working on for the past two weeks and I think it came out pretty adorable


...And I finally decided to start my test knit I am doing for Carol at Sunday Knits..Its kind of a complicated knit but I should be okay..

Until tomorrow!



tinkers said...

i love that pillow! great job! what yarn is it and is that an easy pattern?

Kim said...

The yarn is Debbie Bliss Cathay (its part silk/part cotton) and the pattern was a simple cable (purl eight, hold four stitches to the back, knit four stitches, knit the four stitches you held to the back, purl eight..) easy peasy :) If you need help just let me know, I'm sure I can whip a pattern up for you :)
