Sunday, March 16, 2008

Once upon a time...

I'm officially addicted..yes, do they have AA for Ravelry? I spend at least half the day on this is absolutely wonderful! You can organize ur books, stash, show your FO's, queue those projects you plan on doing in the future and talk to other knitters as obsessed with knitting as you are. This website kicks ass! If you already aren't a member, I strongly recommend you put yourself on the waiting list. Together with searching the archives of Ravelry I've been busy knitting...lots! Ever get into one of those zones where you want to knits lots...I mean knit and finish lots? Totally in that zone. I don't know if its the inspiration I get from looking at everyone else's FO's or the fact that i'm ashamed that my projects aren't that great in number, but it has totally kicked my ass in gear. Since I've been on last I've knitted up the Irish Hiking Scarf
and Mari out of the Hip Knit Hats and the Kittyville Hat Right now I'm working on the Cropped Cardigan with Leaf Ties for my eldest daughter to wear on Easter Sunday...If I get it done....I'm using Plymouth Yarn's Baby Alpaca Brush in a beautiful buttery yellow. I've never really have done and finished a cardigan before much less knitted in raglan style, which this pattern entails, so it should be interesting..I posted a link above for all to see what the Cropped Cardigan is supposed to look like and I'll post pictures of what I've come up with later..wish me luck.
