Sunday, January 17, 2010

Attack of the Stash

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to stash down...finish my UFO's and spin up my stash...yeah...good intentions right? While home one day last week I decided I would finally take pictures of all my yarny goodness together with all my fiber...then 110 items later I decided enough was enough..honestly when is stash just too much stash or is it like the mantra "you can never be too skinny or rich?" or "you can just never have too much stash?" I like to think if there ever was a nuclear holocaust that I'd be set...I could spin and knit many wears to help my family and others to survive..right?!? yeah I ask you to join in my efforts to stash down with finishing up all those unfinished objects milling around in the dark depths of your closets! In short, this blog will become Kim's misadventures on her journey to not buy yarn *coughrightcough* and to finish those 30 or so UFO's just hanging around laughing at her..this should be interesting.

First UFO on my list:

1. Alex's socks 2% done (hilarious)
2. Alex's Central Park Hoodie 10% done
3. My Snow Drift Cardigan 55%
4. Fix my next door neighbors Kitty Hat (the pom pom came off)99%
5. Make my next door neighbor another Kitty Hat 0%
6. Kyrstin's Cowl (now) 0%
7. Owl Sweater 0%
8. Bobble Mittens 0%
9. Princess Mittens 0%

And I need to use and spin all that fiber sitting around mocking me. Seems doable..right? right? meh.

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